Reddit source filmmaker
Reddit source filmmaker

reddit source filmmaker

Keep in mind that the draft is allegedly dated December 16, 2016, 11 days before the death of Carrie Fisher. The internet is a weird and wondrous place. Club’s Britt Hayes reported that she confirmed its veracity with a second source). In other words, I’m about to break down a Reddit recap of a YouTube summary of an early draft of a screenplay that may or may not exist (although The A.V. Trevorrow and Connolly were reportedly replaced because Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy was unhappy with their drafts, so the leak allegedly presented a picture of the direction Disney decided not go, inviting comparisons with The Rise of Skywalker’s story. Burnett, who may have sacrificed some Bothans to bring us this scoop, revealed some of the supposed screenplay’s main plot points, which were collated by Reddit user Lollifroll. The post, which included a “Wild rumor” tag, notified the community of a YouTube video posted on Monday by filmmaker Robert Meyer Burnett, who claimed to have obtained a copy of an early draft of the screenplay for Episode IX by original writer/director Colin Trevorrow and cowriter Derek Connolly. On Monday, a post surfaced at r/StarWarsLeaks, the subreddit where a breakdown of the script for the real The Rise of Skywalker appeared months before the movie’s release (complete with leaked screenshots of the final confrontation between a red-robed Palpatine and the “Force dyad” duo of Rey and Ben). One might have thought that the visions of alternate Episode IXs would end there, but no, there is another. The report put the onus on Disney for insisting on “more fan service, less controversy,” twisting the knife in an open emotional wound. The Abrams cut, which was supposedly a lot longer than the eventual theatrical release-consistent with separate, credible reports about material left on the cutting room floor-conveniently would have addressed many of the subreddit’s common complaints about the movie. Earlier this month, an unsubstantiated report from a Redditor at r/saltierthancrait, which cited an anonymous on-set source, detailed the differences between the final film and an alleged original cut by director J.J.


It didn’t do those things, and thus the disaffected Star Wars fan base has seen its scabs ripped off by tantalizing, unconfirmed accounts of what the movie might have looked like in different hands. If Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker had gotten great reviews, thrilled most fans of the franchise, or broken box office records, we probably wouldn’t be hearing rumors about how it could have turned out.

Reddit source filmmaker